Indigenous Film: Red Fever

Indigenous Film: Red Fever

Wednesday, September 25th

Ricketson Theater

6:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.



No Reservations needed. Seating is based on a first come, first served basis.

Red Fever (directors Neil Diamond and Catherine Bainbridge). This engaging documentary follows Cree co-director Neil Diamond as he asks, “Why do they love us so much?” and sets out on a journey to find out why the world is so fascinated with the stereotypical imagery of Native people that permeates pop culture.

In their acclaimed film Reel Injun, Diamond and Bainbridge looked at Hollywood stereotypes. In Red Fever they delve deeper. According to Diamond, “Red Fever began as an exploration of cultural appropriation and  how our spirituality, traditional wear, projects, identities, and ceremonies were being exploited, often by people who meant well, but were ignorant of their significance . . . . [It] evolved into a study of the vast influence Native America has had, and still has, on Western culture from sports, fashion, politics, and the environmental movement today.” Did we mention the Columbian Exchange? (Rezolution Pictures, 2024, 104 min.).


With Neil Diamond appearing in person for audience discussion/Q&A.

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