Woman and child at info desk


The Museum is committed to being a welcoming place for all of our guests and offers services to facilitate and enhance your experience.

Have additional questions? Our Guest Services team are more than happy to help make your visit easier. Email us or call 303.370.6000 seven days a week, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.

Learn About Accessibility at the Museum

Accessible parking spaces are located in the main parking lot on the north side, in the underground parking garage (enter at the northwest corner of the lot), and on the east side of the Museum just outside the Giant Screen Theater. 

Barrier-free doors with push-button entry are located at the Museum’s main entrance. Elevators are located throughout the building. 

Canes and Wheelchairs 

Canes and wheelchairs may be checked out at no charge from the Information Desk on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Wheelchair seating in the Infinity Theater accommodates space for Four wheelchairs. The accessible entrance to the theater during Museum hours is on Level 3 near Prehistoric Journey. Please wait by the sign for an usher to assist you. Wheelchair seating is also available in the Gates Planetarium. This theater accommodates two wheelchairs and entry is through the main doors of the Planetarium. 

To further ease your entry experience, we encourage you to purchase Accessible Seating tickets for the Infinity Theater and Planetarium.


All-gender restrooms are available on every level of the Museum and changing tables are in most restrooms. Did you know about the Caregivers’ Room? It is inside the all-gender restroom in Gems and Minerals on Level 1, furnished with an armchair, sink, and electrical outlet. 

Service Animals 

Service animals are allowed throughout the Museum. Service animals are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Pets and emotional support animals are not considered service animals and are not allowed.  

The Museum offers free general admission to Colorado-based day programs (Specialized Day Habilitation Services) and recreational and activity programs for individuals who attend as part of a group (including Supported Community Centers), along with their aides. 

Professional aides are admitted to the Museum, Infinity Theater and Gates Planetarium and ticketed Temporary Exhibitions for free, one aide per guest. Please make an advanced reservation for a professional aide by calling Guest Services at 303.370.6000. 

Closed captioning is available at no charge on a first-come, first-served basis for most shows in the Infinity Theater. Please request the device from an usher or at the box office at least 20 minutes before the show begins. The Infinity Theater is also equipped with a Hearing Loop assistive listening system. Stream sound wirelessly directly to hearing aids and cochlear implants that have a telecoil, no additional equipment needed.  

American Sign Language interpreters are available at no charge for Museum live programs and lectures. Please call Guest Services at 303.370.6000 or email [email protected] for questions and reservations. Please allow at least one week’s notice for any requests. 

Elevator controls are marked in braille. 

Braille maps may be checked out from the Information Desk. 

Check with ushers about assisted listening devices, which include some audio descriptions, in the Infinity Theater. 

Resources for guests on the Autism spectrum and/or those with sensory sensitivities, the Museum has wiggle cushions and noise-reducing headphones, which may be checked out at no charge from the Information Desk, first come, first served.

We also offer Sensory Friendly films in our Infinity Theater. For these showings, you can expect 2D 45-minute films with increased lighting and reduced sound levels to create a comfortable experience for all. Quiet spaces are available for attendees of these shows, and guests are welcome to move, dance, clap and talk during the film. Visit this link to learn more and purchase tickets for our upcoming Sensory Friendly films.

For any additional questions related to accessibility at the Museum, please contact [email protected].

Our Museum is full of incredible objects, amazing exhibits and beautiful graphics. For example, you can enjoy our Wildlife Dioramas, no matter what language you speak.  

At the moment, not all of our information panels in our exhibits are available in Spanish, but in the meantime, if you want to dive in to learn more about the wonderful world around us, we invite you to visit these areas that do provide information in Spanish.

1st Floor

  • "Space Odyssey"  
  • Planetarium shows in Spanish: Black Holes 
  • "After the Asteroid"  
  • "Discovering Teen Rex" 

2nd Floor

  • "Discovery Zone": A space designed for children under 8 years old and their families. 
  • "Expedition Health" 
    • Color Wall  
    • Pop, Flip, Flop  
    • Follow Your Heart 

3rd Floor

  • Temporary exhibitions (bilingual or with guide in Spanish)  
  • Rare Birds and their Eggs (Wildlife Dioramas)
  • "Konovalenko" 

4th Floor

  • Sky Terrace: A beautiful view of Denver, weather permitting.

Additional Resources

  • The ECard (digital card) is available in Spanish for visitors and members.
  • Elf Treasure Hunt: Available at the Info Desk on the 1st floor
  • Nature Play: A 4-acre immersive experience in City Park designed just for you.

The following descriptions will help you plan your visit. 

Gems and Minerals, Level 1

  • See gems, gold, minerals, a sparkling crystal cave, and walk through a mine tunnel.
  • Hear a description of the mine on the phone at the entrance and realistic mine sounds in the tunnel.
  • Touch the rough rock walls as you walk through the mine tunnel.
  • Touch and compare mineral specimens for weight and hardness.
  • See and hear captioned videos that tell the story of the world’s largest rhodochrosite and aquamarine.

Insects, Level 1

  • See butterflies, moths, and other insects from Colorado and around the world.
  • Touch large models that tell the story of the life cycle of a butterfly.

Edge of the Wild, Level 2

  • See beautiful dioramas showing Colorado’s large mammals in natural settings.
  • Touch a bighorn sheep horn to count the rings and see how old it is.
  • Touch skulls, bison fur, tracks, scat, antler velvet, jaws, and teeth.
  • See captioned videos of animal behavior and wildlife management issues.
  • Smell a deer’s musk scent.
  • Touch the cushioned hooves of a bighorn sheep.
  • Hear a bull elk bugling and bison, mountain lion, prairie dog, and mule deer calls.

Egyptian Mummies, Level 3

  • See and hear a captioned video about CT-scanning the mummies.
  • See what they found inside and learn about mummification in ancient Egypt.

Explore Colorado, Level 3

  • Hear birds and other animal sounds.
  • Touch life-size sculptures of a bobcat and river otter.
  • See captioned natural history stories and play games on a touch-screen computer.
  • Ample seating is available.

Prehistoric Journey, Level 3

  • See the development of life on Earth, told with amazing fossils, from tiny trilobites to giant dinosaurs.
  • See and hear a captioned video about the beginning of life on Earth.
  • Touch real fossils and casts of footprints, bones, shells, plants, mammoth and mastodon teeth, skulls, fish shark skin, ammonites, and a stegosaurus brain.
  • See captioned videos that show science in action and document unusual life forms.
  • Hear realistic animal sounds as you walk through life-size prehistoric environments.

Special Exhibitions, Level 3

  • The Phipps Special Exhibits Gallery and Anschutz Gallery host various temporary exhibitions throughout the year.