Operation Motivation! Empowered to Learn!
Blended Course for K-12 Educators
The world of school learning has been undergoing a lot of reexamination recently, especially with changes brought on by: COVID, a stronger focus on equity, and the increasing promise and peril of technology access and use.
Teachers and students alike struggle to cultivate ownership and overcome disengagement.
In this course we will learn about four well-researched and supported theories of classroom motivation, and springboard into some evidence-based practices and new inspiration for use tomorrow in your classroom!

- How much does our personal “locus of control” determine our mindset about struggle during learning?
- What types of learning are naturally hard-wired to be motivating to human brains and how might we “hack” the wiring to make it want to learn less motivating material?
- How does Self Determination Theory--Autonomy, Competence and Connection--play a role in motivation?
- What is Stereotype Threat and how might something we cannot see impact attention, learning and academic growth?
Dates and Times:
For K-12 educators
Access is important to us! Email us at [email protected] to learn more about our Rural Teacher Scholarship, our BIPOC Educator Scholarship or mileage reimbursement.
Registration Information
Cost: $300 (includes all instructional materials, meals, online coaching and re-licensure credit)